Learn to overbet the flop

You’re going to teach yourself how to overbet the flop. Does this seem difficult or impossible? Learning a strategy you’ve never tried or learned before?

It is not difficult or impossible, it will only require a little imagination and action.

You can do it!

Listen to Episode #505 of the Part 1 Podcast while following the instructions below:

Part 1: The challenge of learning to cheat with excessive bets

Here’s my challenge to you: Learn how to overbet and bluff the flop.

Henry Ford once said: “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.”

If you believe you can learn to do a new work, even one you’ve never thought of in the past, you can do it. I’m telling you right now: you can learn to do a piece of work yourself.

You are a poker player, a poker student, and a poker exploiter. You have learned to make exploitative plays based on what someone else teaches you.

This is the same thing, only now you are learning by yourself.

I believe in you!

Visualize the situation

You are a poker coach. One of your students approaches you and asks: “How can I overbet the flop?”

Let’s imagine that you know the answer to that question and you want to teach it to your student.

Come up with a Strategy to teach your student right now.

The easiest way to do this is to visualize yourself in that situation:

  • You’re the one who does the open-raiser on the LP with XX.
  • The small blind folded and the big blind was the only one who called.
  • The pot is 6.5bb and you didn’t get TP on the flop of XXX. Your opponent checked to you.
  • You realize this is a good time to overbet and bluff. You bet 8bb into the 6.5bb pot and he folds.
  • You knocked him out with an overbet… well done!

Now, visualizing this hand, What made this a good overbet bluff?

  • What did you notice in this situation that helped your bluff succeed?
  • What was it about your opponent that led you to believe this would be a good bet?
  • Why did you use more of the pot instead of just half?
  • What made you think the flop cards were a good bet?
  • What was it about your relative position to your opponent that led you to believe this would be a good bluff bet?

Do the work

Take the time right now and jump in. Take out a piece of paper and write down 3-5 strategy points that your student can use to find and take advantage of solid overbet bluffing opportunities.

Please do this now before continuing on this page.

Now, that list of points will be your focus for the next 3 days as you play to learn and perfect this strategy.

Your 3 day goal

Day 1: Make 3 successful overbet bluffs on the flop. Count the number of successful overbet bluffs on the flop you make.

Day 2: Make +1 more successful overbet bluff on the flop than you did yesterday. If you made 4 successful overbet bluffs yesterday, you aim to make 5 today.

Day 3: Make 2 more successful overbet bluffs on the flop than you did yesterday. So if you make 6 on Day 2, you’ll strive to make 8 successful overbet bluffs today.

Refining strategy with experience

As you play and strive to bluff with overbets, you should keep a piece of paper with key points on hand. As you play and gain experience with bluffing with overbets, you will learn what works and what doesn’t.

As you play around with this game, you’ll discover some interesting things. Write them down on your piece of paper.

At the end of the session, take out a fresh sheet of paper. Now, with the original points and the new things you learned from the experience, you’re going to refine your strategies for Day 2 and rewrite your list of points.

Then, you’ll do the same thing on Day 2. Use this new piece of paper with these new points to refer to as you play. As you gain more experience with more successful and failed overbet bluffs, you’ll come to new conclusions. Write them down! Then, at the end of the session, you’ll refine your strategies again on a new piece of paper to use on Day 3.

Take action!

Now the ball is in your court!

Teach yourself to overbet and bluff the flop over the next 3 days. Follow the instructions above.

Then, when Part 2 is published in 3 days, compare your strategies with mine. You can now play another session taking into account mine and yours, experiment further, and perhaps come to more conclusions.

Refine your strategy list again and play some more!

This week you will become an expert at bluffing and overbetting the flop.

Get excited andgGo for it!

Part 2: How to bet too much on the flop

Video coming soon! First, do the 3-day challenge mentioned above yourself.

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